So from 4 days ago I was on discord scrolling through and all the the sudden one of my friends who hacked somehow send me this message saying "I reported of bunch of people, but accidentally reported yours, click on the appeal or something"
Now for some reason I didn't understand what this guy was talking about, but apparently some say that I fucked up randomly even though I didn't knew made a huge mistake and loss all my progress from what I had.
Now listen, for those of you people who been recently getting these messages from discord, THIS IS A SCAM PEOPLE DON'T LET IT TRICK YOU!!!
How the duck am I supposed to figure it out?!? Like for some purposes like this it's kinda fucking shitty of how nobody with no braincell can easily get nothing much for good. Now I realize how braindead and hopeless this is, but I'm getting sick and tired of everything I have to go through like Jesus Christ!!!!
So for now on at this very start of the menu, I made a new account so you guys can access to it and DM me for any questions.
Discord account: sadrock3.16 (This is my new one)